BBC Forecourt

BBC Forecourt

United Kingdom, 2017

In 2017 Roz Barr Architects were invited as one of 6 architecture firms to submit a design for a new kiosk at the the BBC Forecourt and Television Centre on behalf of Stanhope Plc with AHMM.

The following design was inspired by the origins of the BBC at White City and the iconic test card. The setting for the kiosk on the forecourt outside BBC Television Centre will serve people queuing for selection to form part of the audiences. We see this as an opportunity to form a new public space that responds to the famous BBC Television Centre facade with its “Atomic” dots. This proposal frames a new space with a sculptural form that relates to the existing facade to become an ordered but flexible Public Realm frequented by visitors to the centre.

This new kiosk will sign the entrance to the development at White City hence this needs to be elegant but not dominating the street frontage. The proposal sits within the realm of street furniture as ‘kiosk’ and offers a sculptural form in which people can ponder, rest and reflect in this new urban setting. The materials of this proposal respect the backdrop of the existing Television Centre brickwork with white Pre Cast Concrete and a mirrored Stainless Steel finish to the kiosk. We have inlaid a new mosaic pattern in the floor to define this space below the hovering canopy that is inspired by the Test Card pattern.

Roz Barr Architects have collaborated with Smith and Wallwork Engineers to develop the structural strategy and construction methodology.